The Phoenix Medicinary serves practitioners and students, as well as members of the general public.  However, the Phoenix Medicinary has set policies regarding access to certain substances based on each community member’s level of education and certification or licensure.  The various levels of access are as follows:

Herbal Medicinals Homeopathic Medicinals
General Public Open access to tea pill, processed pill, and pre-made granule formulas. Open access to any remedy of a potency less than 30C or less than LM3.
Student Open access to tea pill, processed pill, and pre-made granule formulas. Access to standard raw herbal formula. No access to custom formula unless approved by Clinic Supervisor or Program Faculty. Students in Vithoulkas programs are considered public until graduate. Students in first 2 years of Practitioner Programs considered public until third year of eduction.
Practitioner All Access to herbal substances. Practitioner qualifications and credentials on file. All access to homeopathic remedies of any potency greater than 30 c, any nosode remedy, potencies greater than LM3, we request copy of qualifications and credentials via email.

To submit an order visit our submission section:

Herbal Order Submission

Homeopathic Order Submission